import re import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import jieba import jieba.posseg as pseg from PIL import Image from wordcloud import WordCloud import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import font_manager as fm from tqdm import tqdm from paddlenlp import Taskflow %matplotlib inline
deftextFilter(text: str): text = text.lower() # try: # co = re.compile("[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]") # except re.error: # co = re.compile("[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]") # text = co.sub(" ", text) co = re.compile("\[[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+\]") return co.sub(" ", text)
1 2 3 4
texts = [ [textFilter(i) for i in dfs[0].query("Type == 1")["StrContent"].to_list()], [textFilter(i) for i in dfs[1].query("Type == 1")["StrContent"].to_list()], ]
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
F:\user\Temp\ipykernel_9048\ FutureWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a DataFrame or Series through chained assignment using an inplace method.
The behavior will change in pandas 3.0. This inplace method will never work because the intermediate object on which we are setting values always behaves as a copy.
For example, when doing 'df[col].method(value, inplace=True)', try using 'df.method({col: value}, inplace=True)' or df[col] = df[col].method(value) instead, to perform the operation inplace on the original object.
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
Count date week day
0 46 2022-08-07 0 6
1 104 2022-08-08 0 0
2 100 2022-08-09 0 1
3 47 2022-08-10 0 2
4 3 2022-08-11 0 3
.. ... ... ... ...
547 76 2024-02-05 6 0
548 0 2024-02-06 6 1
549 0 2024-02-07 6 2
550 47 2024-02-08 6 3
551 24 2024-02-09 6 4
[552 rows x 4 columns]
defwordSplit(texts, wordclass): words = [] pbar = tqdm(total=len(texts)) for i inrange(len(texts)): res = pseg.lcut(texts[i]) for pair in res: if pair.word in stopwords: continue if pair.flag in wordclass: continue words.append(pair.word) if i % 1000 == 0: pbar.update(1000) pbar.close() return words
words = [wordSplit(texts[i], wordclass) for i inrange(2)]
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
F:\user\Temp\ipykernel_9048\ FutureWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a DataFrame or Series through chained assignment using an inplace method.
The behavior will change in pandas 3.0. This inplace method will never work because the intermediate object on which we are setting values always behaves as a copy.
For example, when doing 'df[col].method(value, inplace=True)', try using 'df.method({col: value}, inplace=True)' or df[col] = df[col].method(value) instead, to perform the operation inplace on the original object.
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
F:\user\Temp\ipykernel_9048\ FutureWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a DataFrame or Series through chained assignment using an inplace method.
The behavior will change in pandas 3.0. This inplace method will never work because the intermediate object on which we are setting values always behaves as a copy.
For example, when doing 'df[col].method(value, inplace=True)', try using 'df.method({col: value}, inplace=True)' or df[col] = df[col].method(value) instead, to perform the operation inplace on the original object.
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
F:\user\Temp\ipykernel_9048\ FutureWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a DataFrame or Series through chained assignment using an inplace method.
The behavior will change in pandas 3.0. This inplace method will never work because the intermediate object on which we are setting values always behaves as a copy.
For example, when doing 'df[col].method(value, inplace=True)', try using 'df.method({col: value}, inplace=True)' or df[col] = df[col].method(value) instead, to perform the operation inplace on the original object.
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
f:\ProgramData\miniconda3\envs\wechatmsg\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\groupby\ FutureWarning: Dtype inference on a pandas object (Series, Index, ExtensionArray) is deprecated. The Index constructor will keep the original dtype in the future. Call `infer_objects` on the result to get the old behavior.
ax = Index(obj[key], name=key)
data = [] for k inrange(2): tmp = dfEs[k].groupby(grouper)["score"].mean().sort_index() for i inrange(24): if i in tmp.index: data.append(tmp[i]) else: data.append(0) data.append(0) data = pd.DataFrame( { "Score": data, "Person": [labels[0]] * 25 + [labels[1]] * 25, } )
data = [] for k inrange(2): tmp = dfEs[k].groupby(grouper)["score"].sum().sort_index() for i inrange(24): if i in tmp.index: data.append(tmp[i]) else: data.append(0) data.append(0) data = pd.DataFrame( { "Score": data, "Person": [labels[0]] * 25 + [labels[1]] * 25, } )